Friday, May 12, 2006

God is watching

As depictions of Christ go, this has to be my favourite. There's a particular quality to his sightless stare that wavers between the benign and the malevolent. Just the sort of look you'd expect to get from your Deity of choice. No open arms, no suppurating palms and flowing locks, this guy's got his eye on you and you'd better prepare yourself for judgement. This bizarre sculpture lurks at the back of St Micheal's (I think it was) in Highgate, taken with my first camera phone, the hefty Nokia 7650. He vaguely reminds me of Gort (who also rocked a particularly swish silver speedo, which I wouldn't mind seeing Our Lord and Saviour sporting at the next reading of the Magnificat) That's probably why I like this so much. It brings a much needed robotic nuance to the whole Son of God(TM) thing.


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