Thursday, February 09, 2006

Barca Mad

'Barceloooooooooooooooona' sang a fat broad and some toothy fella in a dodgy leotard. Fair makes you want to sing it does, wot with its arkitekcha and crazee nightlife and snails and stoners and kultcha and musik etc. Having done the Sonar Festival for a few years it has been suggested that I act as unofficial guide to the City. This seems rash as all three times I was there, I had been up for 72 + hours, thoroughly medicated/caffeinated (No Spencer, not de-kaff...) and generally worse for wear. I know where the Moog Club is, where the fab La Rambla market is and the Museum of Contemporary Art; that should cover it really. I fear the conference centre is miles away from any of these, somewhat debilitating my use to the Symba massive. To hell with 'em, there's wall to wall bodegas, that's all anyone needs to know, that and the phrase 'Un cafe solo, dos cervezas, por favor' (maybe drop the cafe bit.) Curses, no time to blog, i must banter.



Strcprstskrzkrk said...

Any plans on coming to Sonar this year? Oh, and if you want to drag your workapes somewhere nice:


sigh9 said...

the pic looks good, I see what you did there.

sigh9 said...

are you there yet?

Strcprstskrzkrk said...

Hey, 'sworth, enjoying your ridiculous Symbian blog - would have been funny if the robot had suddenly unfurled its matter disintegrator and laid waste to the whole caboodle. Doesn't sound as if much Spanish is being spoken, though.

sigh9 said...


They're actually quite funny aren't they?

In a kindergarten-corporate kinda way