Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The roof is vibrayding

When you fire a pistol, without wearing earmuffs to prevent your brain from liquidizing from the sonic boom, not only are you utterly deafened for days afterwards, you also experience fiendishly aggravated tinnitus. To obtain the same affect over a slightly more prolonged period of time, have a Flat Festival . Invite Testcard to play at your Flat Festival. Stand in front of massive JBL's in said flat while said Testcard sings at you from point blank range. Cry.

Muchos gracias to Sckrtch for the use of the 'Pool hall, t'was a very fine festival indeed. Respect to the Testcard lads, Corporate Athlete and all who managed to make music follow one track after another, in a row. Next time we take that clicker up to 3 figures. (or at least 20)


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