Haahahaha etc. OK, so there's going to be a lot of this business going on around here, y'all just have to suck it up until I've exhausted my kitteh worship (which may be some time).
More evidence that tequila is an equal opportunities destroyer of minds, as poor duggy stares blearily out into the void. I didn't really mean for her to knock back my shot for me, but put your glass down for a second... Pickle the parrotcat could possibly do with a shot or two of the old mescal herself; perhaps a little too in tune with her primal instincts if the holes in Loved One's hand are anything to go by.
Many thanks to the whole fandamily for their most excellent birthing gifts and all round hospitality. There may be a few bottles of red left in the world for us to drink, but Christmas should finish them (and us) off, I have no doubt. I'm glad we had a chance to practice our cabaret routine and I apologize for moulting so heavily on the carpet, performing show tunes tends to bring on rampant hair loss in me, I don't know why.